General Resources
Links verified on 2/7/2021
- Best Practices of Technology Integration - Michigan Dept of Education sponsors this site. Lessons divided by grade levels and subject areas. Need Acrobat Reader to access lessons.
- Ohio Resource Center for Mathematics, Science and Language Arts Educators - This is a collection of technology integrated lessons, online applications, videos, articles, and structured activities that can be used by teacher educators and professional development providers to help teachers learn to effectively integrate electronic technologies into classroom instruction.
- Cinquain Lesson - Use this technology integration lesson in a variety of subjects.
- The MediaSmarts - One of the world's most comprehensive collections of media education and Internet literacy resources.
- National Educational Technology Standards - From ISTE.
- Technology-Supported Lessons Online - View the complete presentations demonstrating effective technology integration methods in a variety of K-12 content areas.
- WebGuide template from Internet 4 Classrooms.
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